Men are often negligent about their health. Unlike women, they rarely go to the clinic. But if their reproductive functions and sexuality are at risk, then the feigned bravado of masculinity and strength immediately recedes. A person stops ignoring medicine because he does not want such a scenario to develop as deterioration of sexual function or impotence. If you noticed the problem in time, it is possible to treat prostatitis at home.
Description of the problem
Most often, men over 40-50 years old encounter this concept. According to statistics, the problem affects every tenth person. Don't worry, life doesn't end there. You just need to not start treatment. So, having experienced the first stress, a person begins to mentally prepare for visiting a doctor. This is absolutely necessary, since treatment of prostatitis at home should be based on the diagnostics performed and the diagnosis made.

Prostatitis is not a common cold, but a serious inflammatory disease of the male reproductive organ. Doctors call it the prostate gland, popularly the prostate. Hence the name. What is this gland for? It produces a special secretion, the nutritious part of sperm. It is the enzymes contained in it that activate sperm and enable them to move after ejaculation. Normally, this organ is very small, and a person does not feel it.
When does pathology develop?
To treat prostatitis at home, you need to have a good understanding of the mechanism of operation of this organ and the causes of the lesion. And the same inflammatory agents, or pathogenic microflora, are to blame. Penetrating into this important organ for the male reproductive system, it causes the development of prostatitis. All three leading reproductive conditions associated with the stronger sex relate specifically to the prostate gland.
- Cancer.
- Hyperplasia.
- Actually prostatitis.
As you can see, this disease is in third place. But this does not make its course easy and safe. In addition, it is important to diagnose other possible and more serious illnesses in the early stages. That's why we say that treatment of prostatitis at home should be carried out exclusively after diagnosis.
How can you suspect that you have an incipient disease? It is a huge plus if you see a doctor at an early stage. In this case, treatment will be easier and proceed much faster. In some cases, symptoms are mild. In this case, the clinical picture can be considered blurred. But there are also advantages, since the disease has not yet gone far.
In the acute form, you will feel unpleasant symptoms almost immediately. First of all, urination becomes more frequent, after which the temperature almost immediately rises and a fever develops. Agree, these signs can be confused with kidney pathology or even the flu.
Specific signs
We can talk about prostatitis from the moment when the nature of the urination process changes. The person complains that the outflow occurs literally drop by drop. In some cases, urinary incontinence develops. This is not related to enuresis and will go away on its own after you undergo therapy. Treatment of prostatitis in men at home also gives good results. But most of us really don’t like going to the hospital. It’s better to try a dozen folk recipes.
Let's now look at other symptoms:
- A man constantly feels his bladder is full.
- Very often he starts to get up at night. At the same time, going to the toilet is most often not productive.
- If acute prostatitis occurs, then changes in urine can be visually noted. It becomes cloudy and blood and pus may appear in it.
This is exactly what even the busiest man will pay attention to. You get a signal that it’s time to stop everything and take care of your health. Usually the pain is quite severe. It spreads throughout all genital organs, the scrotum and penis. Most often it doesn’t end there. Men report pain during bowel movements and severe constipation. That is, inflammation provokes gland dysfunction, and it stimulates increased inflammation. A vicious circle that can only be broken by competent treatment of prostatitis in men at home. The pain is usually different in localization, and its intensity is different.
And the last symptom is sexual dysfunction. The above listed signs leave no doubt that the resulting illness will lead to disturbances in such an important area for every man. And they can be different. First premature ejaculation, then problems with erection. And finally, impotence, however, is reversible in most cases.
Effective therapy
It can hardly be called simple. Rather, it is a set of measures that lead to a positive result. It is advisable to select effective treatment for prostatitis at home together with your doctor. During therapy, the consumption of vegetable juices is encouraged. They help prevent the development of pathogenic microflora in the prostate gland. Every day you will need to drink 600 ml of freshly prepared product. Asparagus and carrot juice, pure or mixed together, are suitable.
Treatment of prostatitis at home with folk remedies begins with normalizing the drinking regime. Drinking plenty of fluids stimulates the bladder, resulting in active cleansing of the body. Of course, this increases urination and makes it more frequent. This is a normal phenomenon and there is no need to be afraid of it.
How to relieve pain when urinating
A very important point. If a person makes every trip to the toilet with a heavy sigh, since the process is accompanied by very unpleasant sensations, then he will clearly not be pleased with the prospect of drinking a lot. But it's absolutely necessary. To relieve pain, you can use 1 tablespoon of elderberry juice in the morning, on an empty stomach. You need to take it for two weeks. This product is diluted with a glass of plain water.
Homemade candles
This remedy has been repeatedly tested in the early stages of the disease and has good reviews. Treatment of prostatitis at home can be done using homemade suppositories, the preparation of which will not take you too much time and effort.
- Propolis candles.To do this, take 200 g of alcohol and 40 g of bee product. Place in a water bath and stir until excess liquid evaporates. The resulting extract must be weighed and for every 0. 1 g add 2 g of cocoa butter. Mix and put into molds, then put in the refrigerator. Place candles at night, one per day for a month. Quick treatment of prostatitis at home is impossible, so you need to be patient.
- The second option is honey candles.To do this you need to take one chicken egg and a teaspoon of honey. You need to mix these two components and add flour to get a mass similar to plasticine. Suppositories are formed from it, which need to be frozen and inserted twice a day into the rectum for 3-4 weeks.
It is worth noting that many people have an allergic reaction to bee products. If this applies to you, then it is best to pay attention to other recipes. Judging by the reviews, the use of suppositories can significantly facilitate urination and relieve the inflammatory process.
Garden doctor
Parsley is a very unpretentious plant. It grows quite quickly and produces a large amount of greenery. But the spicy taste is not all that it can please. All parts of this plant are medicinal. This applies to roots, stems and leaves. To quickly cure prostatitis at home, you need to prepare a decoction.
The proportions are as follows: 2 tablespoons of crushed raw materials should be poured with a liter of water and boiled for 10 minutes. If roots are used, you need to increase the cooking time by another 5 minutes. An excellent option would be to use parsley seeds. To do this, it is not necessary to collect raw materials at the dacha during the summer; it will be more convenient to buy packaging at the pharmacy. They can also be used to prepare a decoction. Take 4 tablespoons and pour a glass of boiling water. It requires insisting for an hour.
The rules of use are common for both recipes. You need to strain the decoctions and take a tablespoon three times a day. The composition has a diuretic effect and significantly alleviates the course of the disease after 3-5 days. Don’t forget that you can’t stop there, you need to complete the course.

Pear is your best assistant
It has been used for a very long time to treat chronic prostatitis at home. Of course, you won’t get by with just a pear. It can only act as one of the components of complex therapy. The product is not only effective, but also very tasty. In fact, this is an excellent compote, which contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. You need to drink it as much as possible, but do not use sugar for cooking. The drink significantly reduces the inflammatory process and reduces pain, and also improves immunity.

Raw pumpkin seeds
This method is one of the most ancient. We can safely say that it was used back in the time of Hippocrates and successfully helped men restore their health. With regular use, within a week they can eliminate the symptoms of prostatitis. Treatment at home is as follows: you need to eat 30 seeds every day before each meal. This will provide the body with the necessary dose of zinc.
You can make the task easier and prepare medicine - a delicacy for the entire course. To do this, you need to take 1 kg of pumpkin seeds and grind them in a meat grinder. Add 400 g of honey and roll this mixture into balls. They need to be stored in the refrigerator. For each day you will need two balls. Dissolve them slowly 30 minutes before meals.
Aspen bark
This raw material is very affordable. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to go out of town and collect loose bark from old aspen trees. There is one caveat: the collection of medicinal raw materials should be carried out in early spring, when the juice begins to flow. The bark is needed no thicker than 5 mm.
To prepare the tincture, take 100 g of bark and pour 200 g of vodka into it. You need to insist for 14 days in a dark place. The vodka must cover the entire bark. After this, the tincture should be filtered and consumed 20 drops three times a day. The medicine should be diluted in a glass of water. The course of treatment is 3-4 months. Judging by the reviews, the product allows you to relieve pain and improve urination in a matter of days.

Burning medicine
You can sometimes read about treating prostatitis with garlic at home. It was not possible to find any reliable reviews that could confirm its effectiveness. The preparation is quite simple. To do this, in the evening, four large cloves of garlic need to be chopped and poured with 3 cups of boiling water. The next morning you need to drink 100 ml before breakfast and the same amount after dinner. The course of treatment is one month. If during the first week you feel relief, then perhaps this is your folk remedy.

Pine baths
Exposure to high temperatures is not always good. Therefore, you need to monitor how hot the water is in the bathroom. The optimal temperature should not exceed 37 degrees. But you shouldn’t take water below 35 degrees either. For preparation, it is recommended to use a ready-made pharmacy infusion. It is diluted with water in an amount of 50 ml per bath. Needles have a very good effect on the entire body as a whole. The degree of pain is reduced and inflammation is eliminated. The person relaxes and begins to feel much better. Judging by the reviews, this remedy is not suitable as an independent treatment. But by taking such a bath every day, you can significantly speed up your recovery.
Hardware treatment
And in addition to the chosen method, you can buy a special device. Today there are a huge number of varieties, each of which has its own characteristics. Today we’ll look at two of them that have earned a lot of positive reviews.
- Heat-magnetic-vibromassage device for the treatment of prostatitis at home. It is suitable not only for the treatment of prostatitis, but also other diseases of the male genital area. It combines warm radiation, magnetic field and vibration. Due to this, a therapeutic effect occurs. Using this device, you can improve blood flow in the gland and reduce the inflammatory process. Within a couple of weeks, normal urination and potency are restored. Pain relief also occurs. Judging by the reviews, the device is definitely worth its price.
- In addition to it, there are other devices for treating prostatitis at home. The vacuum apparatus is very popular. Unlike the device described above, it massages the prostate gland using an alternating vacuum.
Depending on your preferences, you can take one or another device; they both have good reviews and are widely used for home treatment.

Prostate massage
To complete it you will need to find an assistant. It is not necessary for this to be a medical professional, because the massage technique is not at all complicated. The patient must first be prepared. To do this, you need to do a cleansing enema with a warm chamomile solution. The patient needs to drink a liter of water an hour before the procedure.
When everything is ready, the patient takes the knee-elbow position. The assistant puts on a glove and inserts a finger into the anus. The prostate gland is located at a depth of 5 cm and is similar in shape to a walnut. Massaging should be done with light stroking movements, first one side and then the other. At the end you need to draw along the groove of the central part. The duration of the massage is 2-3 minutes.

In acute forms of prostatitis, in the presence of hemorrhoids and rectal fissures, it is recommended to abandon this form of treatment. Treatment of prostatitis with massage at home is carried out for three days. If positive dynamics are not observed, then it is recommended to abandon the chosen method.
Despite the abundance of treatment options, it is still recommended to consult a doctor first. On the Internet today you can find many unverified recipes that promise quick treatment of prostatitis at home. But when tested, many of them turn out to be not medicine, but dietary supplements. And who, if not a specialist, knows best what to do if an illness occurs. Take care of your health and do not self-medicate!